Exploring Japan's Standing Bars: The Ultimate Guide

September 19, 2024
Exploring Japan's Standing Bars: The Ultimate Guide

What is a Standing Bar?

Hello everyone! It's PIJ Writer here, your friendly neighborhood bar enthusiast. Today, I want to talk about a unique concept in Japan's drinking culture: standing bars. These are places where you can enjoy a drink while standing, and they are becoming increasingly popular. But why is that? Well, keep reading to find out!

Why Standing Bars Are Great

Standing bars offer a casual and affordable drinking experience. They are perfect for those busy individuals who want to unwind after a long day but don't have the time for a sit-down session at a traditional bar. One of the biggest advantages of standing bars is their accessibility. You can easily drop by yourself, enjoy a drink or two, and be on your way. No reservations needed!

But perhaps the most intriguing aspect of standing bars is their potential for social interaction. The standing format encourages customers to move around and chat with others freely. This makes it an ideal place for meeting new people, especially if you're looking to spark a connection with someone.

Finding a Standing Bar

Discovering a standing bar in Japan is simple. Just Google "standing bar" along with the name of your location, and you'll be presented with a variety of options nearby.

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What is a Standing Bar?

As the name suggests, a standing bar is a bar where you stand and drink. This is different from the classic image of a bar, where you might sit and have a quiet conversation with the bartender. However, in Japan, there are not only traditional bars but also a variety of other types of bars to choose from.

The Many Types of Bars in Japan

Of course, there are the long-standing bars, such as shot bars and dining bars. But there's more! Japan also has bars that specialize in certain drinks, like wine, sake, or shochu bars. If you're into something stronger, there are highball bars too. And for those who want a unique experience, there are even detective bars, horror-themed bars, and bars where you can soak your feet in a footbath while enjoying a drink.

Standing Bars: One of the Most Popular Concepts

Among all these options, standing bars are particularly popular. They offer a more casual and social drinking experience compared to traditional sit-down bars.

Advantages of Standing Bars

Standing bars have several advantages over traditional bars. Firstly, they tend to have smaller retail spaces, which results in lower rent. This, in turn, makes it more affordable for customers. Standing bars can accommodate a large number of customers for standing drinks, and they have a high turnover rate, which is beneficial for both customers and bar owners.

Solo-Friendly and Casual

Standing bars are ideal for today's busy individuals. You don't need to dress up or make reservations. You can easily drop by after work, have a quick drink, and be on your way. They are also perfect for solo drinkers, as the casual atmosphere makes it easy to strike up conversations with others.

Encouraging Social Interaction

The standing format encourages customers to move around and chat freely. This is where standing bars truly shine. The ability to move around and the lack of a formal setting make it the perfect place for meeting new people. If you're thinking of picking up girls, standing bars provide an excellent environment for it.

Merits and Demerits of Standing Bars

Now, let's take a balanced look at the merits and demerits of standing bars.


  • Solo-friendly: Standing bars welcome solo drinkers with open arms. You won't feel out of place having a drink by yourself, and the staff and customers are usually cheerful and easy to talk to. It's a great way to make new friends and expand your social circle.
  • Freedom to Move and Socialize: The standing format encourages interaction. It's easy to approach and chat with others, making it an ideal environment for meeting new people, especially if you're looking to connect with someone.
  • Helpful Waitresses: The high turnover rate means that standing bar staff are often excellent communicators. They need to satisfy a large number of customers in a short time, so they're likely to be friendly and approachable. They may even give you a nudge in the right direction if you're looking to make a connection.
  • One Drink is Fine: Standing bars are casual by nature, so there's no pressure to stay for multiple drinks. You can drop in, have one drink, and be on your way. This fits perfectly with the busy lifestyles of many individuals today.
  • Easy on the Wallet: Standing bars are known for being reasonably priced. This makes it easier to treat someone to a drink, increasing your chances of making a connection. It's also great for those watching their spending.
  • Delicious Food: Many standing bars offer tasty food options alongside their drinks. This is a plus if you're looking to impress a new acquaintance or simply want a quick bite to eat.
  • High Success Rate for Meeting People: The casual and social atmosphere of standing bars makes them ideal spots for meeting new people. The standing format encourages interaction, and the relaxed environment makes it more likely that you'll successfully connect with someone.


  • Noisy: Standing bars can be lively, but this also means they tend to be noisy. If you're looking for a quiet, intimate drinking experience, standing bars may not be your cup of tea.
  • High Customer Turnover: The high customer turnover rate, while good for business, may be a downside for those who prefer a slower-paced drinking session. If you like to take your time and relax with a drink, standing bars might not offer that ambiance.
  • Standing Can Be Tiring: As the name suggests, you'll be on your feet for the duration of your visit. This can be tiring, especially if you plan on staying for a while. Taking a seat is not really an option here!
  • Crowded: Due to their popularity, standing bars can get quite crowded. This may make it challenging to find a comfortable spot to stand and enjoy your drink. You might find yourself squeezing through the crowd to get to the bar.

Can I Enjoy Standing Bars by Myself?

Absolutely! Standing bars are fantastic for solo drinkers. In fact, many people choose standing bars specifically because they are so welcoming to those flying solo. The social atmosphere makes it easy to strike up conversations, and you'll often find yourself in a group of new friends before you know it.

Tips for a Successful Encounter at a Standing Bar

If you're looking to increase your chances of making a connection at a standing bar, here are some helpful tips:

  • Get to Know the Bar: Familiarize yourself with the layout, the staff, and the general atmosphere of the bar. This will make you feel more comfortable and confident when approaching someone new. Regular visits will also help you become a familiar face to the staff, who may be more inclined to give you a helping hand.
  • Go at Quieter Times: Try to visit during quieter hours, such as between 6:00 and 7:00 PM. This will increase your chances of meeting someone without too much competition from others with the same idea.
  • Chat with the Staff: Let the staff know that you're open to meeting someone new. They may introduce you to other patrons or give you a nudge when they notice someone who might be a good match for you.
  • Don't Overdo the Alcohol: While a drink or two can loosen you up, overindulging may make you seem less approachable or unattractive to potential connections. Keep a clear head and be mindful of your drinking pace.

Standing Bar Hours and Pricing

Standing bar operating hours vary, but most open in the evening and close around the time of the last train. Some remain open until the first train, providing a convenient option for late-night revelers. Pricing is generally reasonable, with drinks costing around 500-1000 JPY. Some standing bars offer all-you-can-drink deals, which are perfect for those days when you want to let loose without breaking the bank.

Are Standing Bars Really the Best for Meeting People?

Absolutely! Standing bars excel when it comes to meeting new people. Compared to trying your luck on the street or at a club, standing bars provide a more relaxed and approachable environment. People go to standing bars with the expectation of socializing, so you're more likely to find success in your endeavors.


Standing bars offer a unique and exciting experience within Japan's diverse drinking culture. They are cost-effective, social, and perfect for busy individuals looking for a quick drink and a potential connection. With their growing popularity, I predict that standing bars will continue to flourish and become even more prevalent in the future.

So, the next time you're considering a night out, why not give standing bars a try? You might just find your new favorite spot and expand your circle of friends. And who knows, you may even meet that special someone. If you see a guy lurking near the girls, come say hi! It's probably me.

PIJ Writer
PIJ Writer
PIJ Writer, a seasoned connoisseur in his 40s based in Japan, boasts an unparalleled depth of knowledge and experience within the vibrant landscapes of both drinking and gambling, alongside his well-documented ventures into various red-light districts. This extensive exploration encompasses not just the nocturnal delights of Japan's red-light areas but also its myriad of bars, horse racing, pachinko, and many others. Drawing on his firsthand experiences, he conveys the appeal and characteristics of Japan's diverse adult entertainment districts and his enjoyment of the nightlife scene through his writing for PIJ.

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